Divination Through Dreams

Today's (somewhat sad) abstraction is drawn from two sources: Brian Eno's diary entry for 4/28/1995 and a passage from W.G. Sebald's The Rings Of Saturn--as well as Oneiromancy, the divination through dreams. The Sebald passage was also the source for Cantley II, which was on Music For Places IV.  The finished song will be appropriately "Sebaldian" and moody. Rings was also about the evocation of dreamy imagery, which Sebald depicted through the use of degraded black and white photographs. Both sources are about the psychological scars of war (World War I and II and the Balkans war).

Divination Through Dreams by meta4s

Nothing to be seen but the grass and rippling reeds
Little houses once held life
Dreams may serve as windows
Divination through dreams 

4/28/1995 (Brian Eno Diary)

"...Then into Bosnia - collapsed buildings, little houses that once held life and families casually blown over by tanks. "Let's destroy their homes." No crueler statement. A beautiful and sad journey."


In studio working on "Cantley". It is the mood for: "Through Brundall, Buckenham and Cantley, where, at the end of a straight roadway, a sugar-beet refinery with a belching smokestack sits in a green field like a steamer at a wharf, the line follows the River Yare, till at Reedham it crosses the water and, in a wide curve, enters the vast flatland that stretches southeast down to the sea. Save for the odd solitary cottage there is nothing to be seen but the grass and the rippling reeds, one or two sunken willows, and some ruined conical brick buildings, like relics of an extinct civilization." 


Oneiromancy: divination through dreams. "Though oneiromancy doesn’t quite have a scientific basis, dreams may serve as windows not into the future but rather into the subconscious."




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