Still So Long

A possible meaning (not about Anne Frank per se): A walking on egg shells in a relationship so as to not make waves: "Daring to move an inch".  The egg itself (as referenced in Eno's diary) is also a form of sustenance and nutrition, but leaves traces. I chose F minor because it is the key of both All The Things You Are and My Funny Valentine and can inherit some accumulated meanings from those songs.

4/27/1943 (Diary of Anne Frank)

"Our German visitors were back last Saturday. They stayed until six. We all sat upstairs, not daring to move an inch. If there's no one else working in the building or in the neighborhood, you can hear every single step in the private office. I've got ants in my pants again from having to sit still so long...."

4/27/1995 (Brian Eno Diary)

"I called Mum and talked to her a bit about her time in Germany. She told me that a farmer used to slip an egg through the fence of the camp for her."

Still So Long by meta4s


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