Music For Places II: Airglow (Notes)

Music composed specifically for places (a psychogeography), to be played as background music while involved in some other activity, using headphones at a low volume allowing ambient sounds to bleed in.

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Cold Caldera









Possible place: Hveravellir, in the Kjolur region of central Iceland.

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Ice Pillars

Possible place: Laramie, Wyoming

Ice pillars, or light pillars are the vertical reflection of light through ice crystals. [More]

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Place: Atacama Desert, South America. Geolocation:  23°27'20.49"S,  69°58'14.01"W

Sonic atmosphere:
"Cosmic Wind", crickets, nocturnal insects, noise, distant knocks, backwards piano, distant booming sounds.

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 Urban Biota

The sonic landscape of a city has its own ecology of "organisms": the screeching sounds of metal against metal, background hum from power lines, buzzing neon, passing elevated trains, pneumatic machinery--the natural sounds of a city landscape that becomes a quotidian experience, yet unobtrusive and perhaps has a calming effect. (This was mixed to not interfere with the top layer of attention).

Complex City







A "scoring" of Michael Heizer's "City" complex in Nevada.

After 50 Years, Michael Heizer’s ‘City’ Opens in Nevada Desert









Place: A glacial outwash plain, Skeiðarársandur, Iceland

Music Video






Place: Catatumbo river at Lake Maracaibo (Venezuela), known for its extreme lightning, occurring 150 days a year and lasting for 10 hours. [More]

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Cenote Angelita







Place: An underwater river in the Yucatan near Cancun. [Map]

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Ridge A






Ambience for the calmest place on earth, high up on the Antarctic Plateau with an average winter temperature of -94 F. The site is also extremely calm, and very little atmospheric turbulence, allowing a clear un-distorted view of the galaxy. [Map]

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