Very often after I finish a mix I experiment with different treatments. Sometimes I arrange them for ensembles, in this case a string piece (either quartet of string orchestra), or just an outro vamp.

This is the released version--a riff on Pink Floyd's Astronomy Domine in some minimal ways. That track was released in 1967, but the vibe was very mid-60s psychedelia. I noticed a shift around 1966 when songs were sounding darker and using more minor seconds, which early metal picked up on, primarily Black Sabbath. 

It's also interesting to trace its evolution: originally it started as a bluesy guitar piece, "Drugstore Prints", low-quality machine photo prints from Walgreen's, reflected in the lo-fi sound. 

Dynaxiom 1622 applies:

A piece of art or music is a touchstone for a future context. In essence, it awaits unknown connections and circumstances that might occur in the future--with meanings that the original artist might not have realized. (Always consider the effect the future will have on your work).



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