He Got Celebrated

What I find particularly interesting about the second version is the vocal is just dummy lyrics--similar to what we do at the beginning of a song when we don't have words yet. The rhythm (or wordrum) is a repeating phrase or vamp that can have words filled in. The first version has a Talking Heads vibe, the second something Mark Hollis would do.

Both paintings by Ed Paschke:  First (Title Unknown), Second "Caliente"


This originally started as song-as-word-game, using pronouns, verbs, and words ending in -ated, and in this case alphabetical, set against a blues shuffle rhythm. There is no vocal (at least at this point), but the words create the rhythm of the piece.

He got celebrated
He got dedicated
He got elevated
He got fabulated

He got infiltrated
He got liberated
He got militated
He got negotiated

He got occupated
He got perpetrated
He got repatriated
He got substantiated
 It's the final track on the Frontiers album. In the repeating phrase in the outro, I've used a field recording of a parade in Chicago to add a sense of place for the album. 



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