Shortet No. 4 (At the Parade)

Original song idea used words and phrases from May 27 diary entries from the Beatles studio diary and my entry of 5/27/2019. 

May 27, 1966, Friday

Long sequence involving Bob Dylan and John Lennon, filmed riding in the back of a limo driving into central London. No script or direction other than to themselves. The piece was long and incomprehensible, made worse by the fact that they were both on drugs. The sequence was intended to form part of Eat The Document, a chronicle of Dylan’s latest European concert tour. 

May 27, 2019

Memorial Day. Went to the parade and was thinking about America’s soul. I had heard Bill Clinton use the term “trilemma” in an interview. 

Original riff:

The arrangement for string quartet, a minute long. (All the tracks on Sum IV are a minute long)
While it would have no association with The Beatles per se (except for perhaps Paul McCartney), the music seems to resonate with Satie’s Parade ballet. Written 1916-1917, it was a collaboration with Jean Cocteau and Picasso. The short video I made uses footage from the Running of the Bulls festival in Pamplona, Spain--with a nod to Picasso’s use of bull figures in his paintings.


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